NSW Biodiversity Assessment Method
- Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR)
- Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Report (BSSAR)
- Consult to Local Government to assess BDARs
The NSW Biodiversity Offsets Scheme (BOS) and the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) are established under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 to manage development and its impacts on biodiversity of NSW, particularly threatened matters. The BAM is applied by ecologists with current and relevant ecological skills, knowledge and experience, and a demonstrated understanding of the BAM and are accredited under the BOS to undertake this work.
A development may require a Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR) or an offset site may generate credits and require a Biodiversity Stewardship Site Assessment Report (BSSAR). We have ecologists accredited to undertake these assessments.
To find out more, to see how the BOS impacts your proposal email details of the project to info@macrozamia.com.au
We are also available to assist NSW Councils to assess project that trigger the BOS and are experienced in Environmental Planning and Impact Assessment for governments.